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Will government action finally bring an end to the gender pay gap in the Bid and Proposal profession?

In the 2015 Salary Survey we highlighted the significant pay discrepancies between men and women. When taking an average across all roles, men earned 24% more than women (the difference was 29% in the 2012 Survey). Whilst some of the discrepancies were smaller when we analysed specific roles within our profession, the overall gulf in pay inequality could not be ignored. Naturally, we are delighted to see that the government is finally taking gender pay issues seriously. Whilst only a first step, we believe its plans to force large employers to reveal the number of men and women in each pay range and show where pay gaps are at their widest is at least a step in the right direction.

Government Requirements to Address the Gender Pay Gap

From April 2018, employers (with more than 250 employees) will be required to publish their gender pay gap on their websites. They will have to report every year and senior executives will be expected to be accountable for the numbers. There are of course many factors that can affect pay so this is by no means a guarantee of attaining parity. However, we hope this positive change will accelerate change towards a fairer and more transparent pay system. To understand how gender can affect pay across roles in our profession, please refer to our salary benchmarking tool. To view our latest vacancies for bid and proposal professionals, follow this link. To help us connect you with a winner to add to your team, follow this link.