
Issue 19 - Exploring The Bid Lifecycle

Revving Up Your Bids: The Need for Speed Doesn’t Mean Cutting Corners

I have always wanted to shoehorn motorcycles into a BQ article, so here goes…

A good friend of mine, Jonny, ran the Honda TT Team a few years back. He told us, “The faster you need to go, the more planning and precision is required.” This was his biggest lesson in the business world. Speed often means ‘what can be skipped’ to get to the finish line. However, those who sprint parts of the process can gain massive advantages.

Like racing the TT, speeding through Ballagarey at +130mph, every second counts. With fast turnaround bids, you need to go fast, but skipping crucial steps in preparation is like forgetting to top up the brake fluid—you’re courting disaster.

Here’s how to keep your bid on track and avoid a 200mph crash.

The Pre-Race Check: Solution Development
Jonny said, “In a race team, it is incredibly important that everyone knows the plan; that means communicating it in the simplest terms.” No different with your solution. Don’t aim at the technical person in the room; aim at the least technical. If they nod along, you’re in good shape. If you can sketch it on a whiteboard, even better! That’s your pre-race check.

Tip: In a room full of experts, it can feel like you’re in the pit lane surrounded by clever engineers. Simplify the jargon. Draw the solution out, then explain it back to them in plain English. This helps you understand and ensures the team is aligned.

Jonny says: Simplifying the solution for your audience is like tuning your bike for a specific track. It’s not just about speed but ensuring every component works seamlessly. Get it right, and you’re on the road to victory.

The Race Strategy: Value Proposition Development
Even in a last-minute sprint, you need a solid strategy. Here’s your quick pit stop:

  • Profile Customers: Choose personas like you’d pick your racing line—one technical, one non-technical. Know their roles and challenges.
  • Identify Pains and Gains:
    • Pains: Their version of hitting the gravel? Deadlines, board reports, technical hiccups?
    • Gains: Their checkered flag? Efficiency, recognition, peace of mind?
  • Match Your Offer: Align your solution with their needs. Make them the hero crossing the finish line.

Outcome: This sprint sharpens your value proposition and unearths stories and examples—your race day anecdotes that can clinch the win.

The Final Lap: Bid Marketing
Bid marketing often gets overlooked, like a racer neglecting their tyres, but is essential for that last burst of speed.

  • Create a simple brief for your marketing team: Think of it as your race plan and include:
    • Solution Overview: One-page summary
    • Target Details: Sectors, job titles, groups
    • Messages and Win Themes: Key points to hit
    • Content Examples: Case studies, articles—proof of your prowess

Jonny’s Advice: Start with top-of-funnel content. It’s like warming up your tires—essential for grip as you hit top speed. Over time, this strategy will keep you in the race for future bids.

In an ideal world, you’d have time to fine-tune every part of your bid. But when you’re racing against the clock, a sprint approach can still get you across the finish line. Simplify your solution, understand your customers, and market smartly. Remember, it’s not just about speed but precision. Keep these in check, and you’ll avoid crashing and burning.

Stay sharp, stay fast and Godspeed.

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Issue 19
