Issue 11 - WIBAP


Foreword By Charlotte Rees



By Charlotte Rees

Welcome to this special edition of Bidding Quarterly, curated by Women in Bids and Proposals.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Women in Bids and Proposals (or WIBAP for short), we’re all about driving gender equality and fairness within the bids and proposals profession. For the past three years, we’ve grown our membership and followers, run a vast array of events, and connected people from across the globe. We share the experiences and challenges all bid professionals encounter and, more specifically, those that women within our industry face on a daily basis. The aim of this edition is to continue highlighting the inequality within our profession and offer advice and guidance – from the fantastic panel of BQ Experts, the WIBAP team and a few of our Allies too. We recognise things are changing for women in our profession, with positive momentum building over the past three years – but there’s still a way to go. Our aim for this edition is to keep gender equality in bids and proposals on everyone’s radar. The articles in this edition represent a range of opinions amongst our contributors, but with one purpose – achieving gender equality in our profession. While people have different views on how to achieve that equality, the main objective is that we get there.

Issue 11



By Charlotte Rees

Welcome to this special edition of Bidding Quarterly, curated by Women in Bids and Proposals.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Women in Bids and Proposals (or WIBAP for short), we’re all about driving gender equality and fairness within the bids and proposals profession. For the past three years, we’ve grown our membership and followers, run a vast array of events, and connected people from across the globe. We share the experiences and challenges all bid professionals encounter and, more specifically, those that women within our industry face on a daily basis. The aim of this edition is to continue highlighting the inequality within our profession and offer advice and guidance – from the fantastic panel of BQ Experts, the WIBAP team and a few of our Allies too. We recognise things are changing for women in our profession, with positive momentum building over the past three years – but there’s still a way to go. Our aim for this edition is to keep gender equality in bids and proposals on everyone’s radar. The articles in this edition represent a range of opinions amongst our contributors, but with one purpose – achieving gender equality in our profession. While people have different views on how to achieve that equality, the main objective is that we get there.