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Bidding Quarterly 11 – Out Now!

We are delighted to share BQ11 with you. This special edition of Bidding Quarterly has been created by the brilliant Women in Bids and Proposals (WIBAP) team. The positive action they are taking to drive equality in our profession is truly inspirational. BQ11 has 12 brilliant articles from our BQ Experts, the WIBAP team and a few of their Allies. Containing stories of hope, new beginnings and the breaking down of barriers, it also tackles head on the uncomfortable truths about our historically male-dominated profession. I applaud all the contributors for their honesty, bravery and leadership with their shared goal of eradicating inequality. There can be no more excuses for discrimination in our profession, or indeed in any walk of life. When Bid Solutions produced the first UK Bid and Proposal Salary in 2008, I was truly shocked to see the scale of the inequality. Fast forward 13 years and as a profession we have only taken tiny steps towards equality. It’s time for giant strides. I really hope BQ11 inspires you to get actively involved, become a WIBAP Ally, challenge inequality head-on and create a fairer world. 50:50 in everything we do.