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Questions answered by Andy Haigh

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We secured a place on a framework - is it really a win?

Public sector frameworks: what to do when you manage to get on a major framework but you are near the bottom suppliers due to price? I suppose one question is how to, and can I still ‘fix this’. The other question is, is it worth boasting about a ‘win’ that’s not really so great?

Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer

Bidding for Large Public Sector Opportunities

I have recently taken up a position as the Senior Bid Manager in a new business division and we are targeting some large Public Sector bids. I need to set up a bidding function based upon the APMP methodology and I have two questions:
1.  Should I recruit from within the business where I have some good project managers available, or should I look externally?
2. Are there any pitfalls I need to watch out for in the Public Sector market, which are not covered in the general best practice approach?

Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer

Framework Agreement (panel of contractors)

What is the best practice, protocol and governance in relation to contract variations, more specifically:

  • When a panel of contractors have been appointed and one contractor requests a change to the standard contracts terms and conditions e.g. changing payment terms from 30 days to 10 days.
  • Is an addendum always required int this regard or can it be managed operationally? Must all other contractors be treated equally and fair, i.e. if the institution agrees to a change for one contractor must the change also be made to the others?

Thanking you in advance for your assistance.

Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer

Why One Training Course is Not Enough - Justifying the Need for Continuous Development

Good evening,

I work with clients involved in the funding process. One of my clients is new to bid writing and after starter course and a year of unsuccessful applications, she wants to attend further training to develop her skills. Her issue is justifying the benefits of further training to the local authority who employs her.

I am hoping that you have some insight into this and perhaps some suggestions for a solid argument that she can present to the authority, which will highlight the benefits of ongoing training.

Many thanks,



Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer

Tony Orr - Care & Repair Manager - Cairn Housing Association

Good afternoon Andrew,

I have some questions around VEAT notices,

At Cairn HA, we like other RSLs provide Care & Repair/Handyperson & Telecare services through a Memorandum of agreement with The Highland Council to provide – Adaptations, small repairs & council repair grant assistance to over 65 year old & persons with disabilities within the private sector.

Historically these agreements have been year to year & have been handed to all 5 agents operating the services within the highlands. These funds are allocated from the Scottish Government to local authorities in the term (Private sector housing grant) or PSHG. This funding is split into Capital & Revenue pots, Capital is for awarding grants, revenue is to pay the agents a managing fee. We believe the Highland sum is around the 4 million pound mark 60% Capital, 40% revenue. The Highland Council have been suggesting for years that these services have to go out to procurement but so far it has never come to fruition. There is discussion at present for THC to pass revenue funding to the NHS as part of the Health & Social care integration agreement of 2012, therefore the NHS have stated that these services will certainly have to be procured. After our joint Highland Agents meeting today a group member enlightened us into the VEAT notice & that this may be applicable to this nature of service.

I was wondering if you could review the above detail & provide me with any comments please.




Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer

Post Brexit Procurement Regime

Andy – can you opine on:

(1) what the impact of Brexit will be for public sector procurement from now until the exit point?

(2)what sort of public contract procurement regime may follow?



Answered by Andy Haigh Disclaimer